

常見問題  - 雙語兒童 Frequently Asked Questions -- Bilingual Children

  • 我不是真的知道如何提高我的孩子擁有一個以上的語言?

其實,你只是說給她聽。她得到了更多的交流在不同的語言更好。最後,孩子學習多種語言 完全相同的方式 作為 monolinguals,他們只是吸收超過一種語言。這裡是10個步驟的列表,你可能要考慮一下,才開始進行。

I'm not sure how to go about raising my child with more than one language.

 Actually, you just speak to her. The more interaction she gets in the different languages the better. In the end, multilingual children learn exactly the same way as monolinguals, they just assimilate more than one language. Here is a
list of ten steps you may want to think about before starting out.



  • 什麼是最好的方式提出一個多語種的孩子?

有許多方法來提高孩子的多種語言。無論您選擇何種方式,更符合您的孩子更容易。這裡有一些不同 方法與實例 有些家庭如何做它。

What is the best way to raise a bilingual or multilingual child?

Actually, you just speak to her. The more interaction she gets in the different languages the better. In the end, multilingual children learn exactly the same way as monolinguals, they just assimilate more than one language. Here is a
list of ten steps you may want to think about before starting out.

  • 但是,不要對孩子有許多混淆的語言嗎?

這是一種常見的,但舊的誤解。其實有許多神話一樣,大約提高多語種的孩子。看一看 這裡 幫助您排序事實與虛構。

But don't the children get confused with many languages?

That is a common but old misconception. Actually there are many myths like that about raising multilingual kids. Take a look here to help you sort fact from fiction.

  • 那麼,什麼是多語種的優勢,提高孩子?

除了明顯的優勢,能夠發言多於一種語言,它就會影響你的孩子正面的自尊感,未來的就業機會和能力,生活和出國旅行。此外,無數的研究顯示這兩種分析,社會和技能的提高和掃盲後成長與幾種語言。在這裡你可以看看同時在 利弊 (是的,也有一些缺點,但可能不是一個人的你的想像。)

So, what are the advantages to raising multilingual children?

Aside from the obvious advantage of being able to speak more than one language, it impacts your child positively in the sense of self esteem, future job opportunities and ability to live and travel abroad. Additionally, countless studies show that both analytical, social and and literacy skills are improved when growing up with several languages. Here you can take a look at both the pros and cons (yes, there are some cons too, but probably not the one's you'd think.)

  • 何時開始最好?

現在!嚴格來說,你要越早越好。最好是在出生之前就對你的孩子。但是,這不僅是因為兒童的發育原因,誰開始後有一個困難時期與外國語言。為什麼現在在這裡看到的是 完美的時間.

When is the best time to start?

Now! Seriously, the sooner you get going the better. The best is even before birth of your child. But, it is not just because of developmental reasons children who start later have a harder time with foreign languages. See here why now is the perfect time.

  • 我的孩子已經講一種語言,是否為時已晚開始另一個?

絕對不是。各年齡段的孩子語言海綿。但是,它會多一些解決我們即將結束,一些動機為您的孩子。我們收集了一些 指針 如何引入語言的孩子在嬰兒期之後。

My child already speaks one language, is it too late to start another?

Absolutely not. Kids of all ages are language sponges. However, it will take a bit more resolve on our end, and some motivation for you child. We've put together some pointers on how to introduce language to kids beyond infancy.

  • 我的孩子剛滿兩年,他仍然不說話,是正常的嗎?

當然,即使是一些monolinguals是大器晚成,不開始會談,直到2歲或更晚。不過,如果你是 關心 在這裡你可以閱讀更多。

My child just turned two and he still doesn't speak, is that normal?

Absolutely, even some monolinguals are late bloomers and don't start to talk until the age of two, or even later. However, if you are concerned you can read more here.


  • 我怎麼知道我的孩子是在他們的語言發展的軌道?

不同運動技能,例如,語音發展更為秘密 - 不論一或幾種語言。此外,它仍然是高度個性化的,所以總是比較棘手。但是,這裡有一些 指標 保持標籤上你的孩子的進步。

How do I know if my child is on track in their speech development?

Unlike motor skills, for example, speech development is much more secretive -- regardless of one or several languages. Additionally, it remains highly individual, so comparisons are always tricky. But, here are some indicators to keep tabs on your child's progress.

  • 為什麼兒童更容易學習外語比成年人?

兒童的大腦是為了滿足語言學習的第一年期間的生活和吸收比成人明顯不同的語言,特別是相對於發音  和語法。所以,如果你想提高你的孩子 發言本地人一樣 你想讀的。

Why is it easier for children to learn a foreign language than for adults?

Children's brains are primed for language learning during the first years of life and assimilate language markedly different than adults, particularly relative to pronunciation and grammar. So, if you want to raise your child speaking like a native you'll want to read this.

  • 我聽到很多關於'關鍵時期',它是什麼?

雖然孩子們可以學習一門外語,任何年齡,以優勢的關鍵時期(當大腦具備充分的語言),因此即使easer。看看這裡有什麼 發生 在那段時間,持續多久。

I hear a lot about 'critical period', what is it?

Although children can learn a foreign language at any age, taking advantage of the critical period (when the brain is primed for language) making it even easer. Take a look here on what takes place during that time and how long it lasts.

  • 我能做些什麼,當我的孩子不肯講少數民族語言?

它的真正含義是什麼,兒童並沒有 自覺需要 該語言。因此,作為符合您的語言系統,並提供足夠的少數民族語言的互動有助於創造需要的語言。 這些指針 應該讓你的孩子重新回到正軌,更在這裡 推動大孩子.

What can I do when my child refuses to speak the minority language?

What it really means is that the child has no perceived need for the language. So, being consistent with your language system and providing enough minority language interaction helps create that need for the language. These pointers should get your child back on track again, and more here for motivating older kids.

  • 我並沒有花足夠的時間與我的孩子,她學習我的語言

很多家長覺得這樣,但不是所有的數量。質量問題太多。什麼最使您有時間,並利用這些想法 最大化 你有時間。如果你還想要更多的'數量', 這些提示 提供幾個方法可以找到更多的語言交流,您可能沒有想到的。

I don't spend enough time with my child for her to learn my language
Many parents feel that way, but it is not all quantity. Quality matters too. Make the most of what time you have, and use these ideas to maximize the time you do have. If you still want more 'quantity', these tips
provide several ways to find more language interaction that you may not have thought of.

  • 我想開始玩的工作,你有什麼秘訣?

當然可以。和祝賀,這真是一個最好的事情你可以做你的孩子。這是您的 發揮集團資源 頁面。此外,不要錯過我們 分類廣告 部分。這是最終的地點通知其他家長,如果你有一個遊戲小組,或者如果你正在尋找一。
I'd like to start a play-group, do you have any tips?
Absolutely. And congrats, it is really one of the best things you can do for your child. Here is your play-group resources page. Also, don't miss our Classifieds section. That is the ultimate place to notify other parents if you have a playgroup, or if you are looking for one.

  • 真的是一個好主意,加入一個沉浸學校或計劃?

當然 - 如果你足夠幸運有一張日托,學前班或學校在你的語言你住的地方,藉此機會。這是多麼驚人它可幫助您的孩子發展的少數民族語言。這裡是你可以 期望 從沉浸課程。

Is it really a good idea to join an immersion school or program?
Certainly -- if you are lucky enough to have either a daycare, pre-school or school in your language where you live, take the opportunity. It is astonishing how much it helps your child develop her minority language. Here is what you can expect from immersion programs.

  • 我在哪裡可以找到更多的想法,鼓勵少數民族語言?

一起唱歌,看書,玩遊戲,最重要的樂趣。但是,當你運行了你的想法如何能保持進步的語言,看看這個 提示板.

Where can I find more ideas to encourage the minority language?
Sing together, read books, play games and most importantly have fun. But, when you've run out of ideas on how you can keep the language progressing, check out this tip sheet.

其實,我們有一整條 建議書,而不是只為自己的教育,但孩子太。對於一個偉大的收集外國語言在我們的店鋪看看 資源目錄。在那裡,您還可以找到雙語學校,沉浸幼兒,語言遊戲小組,言語治療師,博客,論壇,圖書銷售商,expat的資源等等。

Can you recommend books or material for bilingual children?
Actually, we have a whole section of recommended book, not just for your own education, but your child's too. For a great collection of foreign language shops look in our Resource Directory. There you can also find bilingual schools, immersion child care, language play groups, speech therapists, blogs, forums, book sellers, expat resources and much more.

  • 我可以說我的孩子在語言,是不是我自己?

當然可以!等到孩子長大了複雜的談話,你自己的第二語言將有大幅改善。而且,不必擔心您的不到完美的語法,或者沒有找到確切的詞。你是無價的語文基礎仍然提供為您的孩子,可以是'打磨'的母語以後的生活中。下面是信息 非母語 和 本項論壇 是專門為你。

Can I speak to my child in a language that is not my own?
Yes you can! By the time child is old enough for sophisticated conversations, your own second language will have improved massively. And, don't worry about your less than perfect grammar, or not finding the exact word. You are still providing priceless language foundation for your child, that can be 'polished' by native speakers later in life. Here is information for non-native speakers and this section of the forum is specifically for you.

  • 我要如何處理講一門外語與我的孩子在公共?

這的確是一個非常個人的問題。而且,它通常取決於具體情況以及。這裡有幾個 戰略,以幫助 你建立你自己的'禮儀規則'。

How do I deal with speaking a foreign language with my child in public?
This is really a highly individual issue. And, it usually varies depending on the specific situation as well. Here are a few strategies to help you set up your own 'etiquette rules'.

  • 如果我教識字技能的第二語言?

首先,你有什麼目標,什麼是現實?這應該可以幫助您作出評估 什麼是正確的 為您的孩子。如果閱讀和寫作是你想要什麼, 在家上學 通常是最實際的解決辦法。

Should I teach literacy skills in the second language?
First off, what are your goals and what is realistic? This should help you make an assessment of what's right for your child. If reading and writing is what you want, homeschooling is usually the most practical solution.

  • 是否有可能引起一些特別需要的兒童雙語教學?

相反,以共同的信念 - 是的。許多家庭已成功地超越其瘋狂的希望,但它始終應該連同 專家 經驗豐富的雙語制。這些 例子和提示 會幫助你決定什麼是適合您的孩子。

Is it possible to raise special needs children bilingually?
Contrary to common belief -- yes. Many families have succeeded beyond their wildest hopes, but it should always be done together with an expert experienced in bilingualism. These examples and tips will help you to decide what is right for your child.

  • 我正在尋找其他雙語家庭,我怎麼能找到他們?

始終保持瞭望我們 論壇 其他家庭說您的語言,而是要找到你住的地方的家庭,絕對是我們最好的方法 分類廣告節。它有很多其他偉大的'希望,並提出'列表,您可以發布活動,宣傳你的遊戲小組或找一,執行內部交流,貿易或出售孩子的語言材料,尋找英語為母語的幼兒等

I'm looking for other bilingual families, how can I find them?
Always keep a look-out in our forum for other families speaking your language, but to find families where you live, the absolutely best way is our classifieds section. It has many other great 'wanted and offered' listings where you can post events, advertise your playgroup or look for one, do house exchanges, trade or sell kids language materials, look for native speaking child care, etc.

  • 只是好奇,什麼是最常見的錯誤的父母做什麼呢?

頭號錯誤是挫折。嚴重的是,許多父母認為他們不能成功,如果他們的孩子剛剛了解'的第二語言,不說。被動理解一種語言是非常忽略,並且可以很容易地變成積極的語言使用以後的生活中。其他 常見的錯誤 在這裡。

Just curious, what are the most common mistakes parents make?
The number one mistake is discouragement. Seriously, many parents think they can't succeed if their children 'just understands' the second language, and don't speak it. Passive understanding of a language is tremendously overlooked, and can easily be turned into active language use later in life. The other common mistakes are here.

  • 我已經寫了多語種的孩子,你會在這裡公佈?

當然,我們實際上是在尋找父母,教育工作者和專家分享他們的經驗和專業知識。請 聯繫 我們!此外,如果你寫了廣泛的話題,我們現在提供的機會,創造你自己的列上這個網站。在我們的更多信息 文章提交 指導方針。

I have written about multilingual children, would you publish that here?
Absolutely, we are actually looking for both parents, educators and experts to share their experience and expertise. Please contact us! Also, if you have written extensively on the topic we now offer the opportunity to create you own column on this site. More information in our article submission guidelines.

  • 我可以使用一些文字上這個網站?

歡迎!只要您包括指定 資源箱 ,隨意使用任何文本本網站免費。我們很感激,如果你讓我們知道。

Can I use some of your text on this site?
Please do! Provided you include the specified resource box , feel free to use any text on this web site free of charge. We'd appreciate it if you'd let us know about it.


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