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雲端運算簡介  Introduction to Cloud Computing 

這是2010/5/5 下晡國立花蓮高商資料處理科的專題演講,為著演講,讀書一禮拜,ppt做三工,真正是錢歹趁  :(

Che sī 2010/5/5 ê-po͘ tī Kok-li̍p Hoa-liân Ko-siong Chu-liāu Chhú-lí-kho ê choan-toê ián-káng, ūi-tio̍h ián-káng, tha̍k-chu chi̍t lé-pài, ppt choè 3 kang, chin-chiáⁿ sī chîⁿ phái thàn :(


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為著欲出作業,今仔日早起使用alexa 查 dahan.edu.tw,煞意外發現:
Ūi-tio̍h beh chhut chok-gia̍p, kin-á-ji̍t chái-khí sú-iōng alexa chhâ "dahan.edu.tw", soah ì-goā hoat-hiān :


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Using a New Language in Africa to Save Dying Ones
November 12, 2004
NAIROBI, Kenya, Nov. 11 - Swahili speakers wishing to use a "kompyuta" - as
computer is rendered in Swahili - have been out of luck when it comes to
communicating in their tongue. Computers, no matter how bulky their hard drives
or sophisticated their software packages, have not yet mastered Swahili or
hundreds of other indigenous African languages.

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